A woman practicing gentle parenting with her two small children as they sit together at a desk with a laptop.

Mental Health Care & Support

Guiding, connecting, and empowering every mother.

MindMomBodyRN provides consulting, coaching, and resources to mothers and families. We aim to give YOU the power back in maternal wellness. Through mental health, postpartum, and telehealth support, we help you make more informed decisions and thrive in mind, body, and motherhood! 


About MindMomBodyRN

Our team of certified therapists, coaches, RNs, CNMs, and LMFTAs are dedicated to your care. We offer maternal wellness services from individualized counseling to birth education and partner support counseling. In addition to clinical care, we offer resources and community support.


Find the emotional and mental health support you've been looking for.

Step 1

Finding the right support starts with telling us about yourself. Book a Discovery Call to help us understand your specific needs.

Step 2

Next, meet your support team. You will be assigned a highly trained consultant and set up with your first appointment/s.

Mom making a plan in pink shirt, white shirt at home on laptop

Step 3

Work with your assigned consultant 1-on-1 and track your progress. Get access to the supportive MindMomBodyRN village and exclusive benefits.


Supportive, evidence-based care for women and their families.

birth education

Birth plans for labor, delivery, and postpartum care. This may include preferences about pain management, positions for labor and birth, interventions, and immediate post-birth procedures, such as skin-to-skin contact or cord clamping.

mental health support

We provide informed care to individuals, families, and healthcare providers including individual, couples, and group therapy. We have medical and trauma-informed experts on staff to provide the custom support you need.

Postpartum Support

Postpartum support focuses on nurturing the new mother and family as they transition into life with a newborn. This holistic support encompasses emotional, physical, and informational assistance while also addressing the well-being of the new mother.


Join our community of interactive sessions, hands-on demonstrations, and open discussions led by compassionate, experienced professionals. We cover essential topics ranging from newborn care to postpartum recovery and emotional well-being.


Built for mamas, by mamas.

We know how hard it is to go through pregnancy and birth alone. This is why we have created a network of holistic professionals to support you through mental health, emotional health, postpartum, medical, and telehealth concerns. It is our mission to ensure every mama has the tribe she deserves. Read more about our story below.  


of women have experienced some form of physical trauma
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of mothers are diagnosed with postpartum depression
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increase in people reporting having medical adverse affects from childhood medical care
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What Clients Say

“I was initially hesitant to join any group, thinking I could manage everything on my own. But after attending my first session with Rachel, I felt an immediate sense of relief. Every session thereafter has provided invaluable insight. I have especially enjoyed hearing the shared experiences of other mothers in our group sessions. The counseling and support received have been a lifeline during challenging times.”


“Being a new mother brought joy but also feelings of isolation and overwhelm. Speaking with the team at MindMomBodyRN has been a game-changer for me. Not only did I find a community of women who understood exactly what I was going through, but the counseling sessions also provided practical tools and strategies to cope with the everyday stresses of motherhood. I’m so grateful for the friendships and guidance found.”


“I can’t recommend Rachel enough! After the birth of my second child, I struggled with postpartum depression. Feeling lost and alone, I reached out and found a safe haven. The outpouring of support from fellow moms helped me find my strength again. This group is a testament to the power of collective support and understanding. Thank you to Rachel and the coaches for creating such an amazing container. We are in this together!”


“The support and counseling I received from this mom group were transformative. Every mother brought a unique perspective, and yet our shared challenges and triumphs united us. I learned so much from the workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions. Having a space to voice my fears, frustrations, and joys without judgment was such a gift. This group truly understands the complexities of motherhood, and I’m so glad I found them.”


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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer consulting for individuals, groups, and healthcare providers. All of our care providers are experts in their fields from birth education, to postpartum, to mental health, medication management, and partner support.

We offer individual, group, or partner sessions covering a wide range of topics including Pregnancy, Postpartum, Parenting, and Partner Relationships. 

During your initial consultation, we will discuss your needs to pair you up with the right experts for your individual needs. 

We support every stage of the maternity journey, from trying to conceive, pregnancy, pregnancy loss, postpartum, and early parenting

No way! Parenting takes a tribe and we provide resources for all members of your tribe. Book a consultation with one of our certified coaches to determine the best plan for you.

We are here to support any mama or partner facing mental health issues while on the maternity or parenting journey. We offer free 20-minute consultations to better understand how to support you and your family. 

At MindMomBodyRN, we hold our team to the highest of standards to ensure an equally impressive level of care. All of our maternal health and parenting specialists have years of education and training in their specialized fields. Visit our consultants to learn more. 

Not yet, but we’re working on it!  While we do not take insurance, we want to make sure our services are accessible to mothers and parents everywhere. All of our services come in multiple price points and have price plans available. Please let us know your financial situation during your first consultation and we will help you the best we can!