
About MindMomBodyRN

Read on to better understand how we can help you!

Meet Our Founder

Hey there Friends, I’m Rachel, a marriage and family therapist, registered Nurse, midwife, and Mother to three wonderful children.  I’m thrilled to welcome you to the MindMomBodyRN community! As an advocate for gentle parenting and mental wellness, I’m here to provide you with a well-researched perspective on topics that matter most to you.

Our Vision

With a heart for both healthcare and motherhood, I like to say that I do the research so you don’t have to. As a dedicated mom myself, I understand the joys and challenges that come with raising little ones. Through my videos, podcasts, and heartfelt conversations, I dive deep into subjects like childbirth, parenting, mental wellness, and self-care.

I believe in the magic of embracing our children’s individuality, fostering strong connections, and creating a nurturing environment where they can thrive. From discussing birth options to shedding light on common misconceptions, we explore it all here. How you can join us: 

How we support you through MindMomBodyRN

We’re a supportive community where there’s no judgment, just open conversations and evidence-based insights that help you make informed choices for your family. Remember, curiosity turns an argument into a discussion. So let’s discuss! Join us on a journey of growth, compassion, and connection.  Remember, you’re not alone in this beautiful and challenging adventure of motherhood. Together, we’ll navigate the path with love, laughter, and a whole lot of heart. Take care, mama!

Together, we'll navigate the path with love, laughter, and a whole lot of heart. Take care, mama!

We value the connections made along the way

All our consultants possess a rich background in maternal health and parenting, encompassing both practical and medical knowledge. We are committed to offering you insights that are evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and sourced from reputable authorities in the field.  Here are a few of our trusted partners: