
Healthcare Providers

Professional training and resources for the healthcare setting.

Maternal health & wellness specialists

We offer training workshops designed to equip healthcare providers with the latest evidence-based practices and tools necessary to excel in maternal care. Whether you are a nurse, midwife, obstetrician, doula, or any other healthcare professional, our workshops are suitable for all levels of experience and environments. 


Workshop Highlights

Rachel Brown

Why Choose Our Educators

  • Experienced Specialist: Our Maternal Health and Wellness Specialist boasts years of experience in maternal care, ensuring you receive the highest quality training.
  • Customizable Workshops: Tailor your training experience to meet your specific needs and interests within the field of maternal health.

  • Continuing Education: Earn valuable continuing education credits while enhancing your knowledge and skills.

  • Positive Impact: By participating in our workshops, you contribute to improving maternal outcomes and the overall well-being of mothers and babies.


We offer a range of training and in-person workshops for healthcare providers.

Birth education classes

In-depth information about coping skills, physiology of labor and birth, emotional aspects, and childbirth options.

Trauma Informed Healthcare

Online and in-person trauma-informed care training for health care professionals. Our courses help you implement trauma-informed care in maternal health systems.

advanced pain management

Evidence-based guidelines in understanding and treating both acute and chronic pain beyond traditional views.

telehealth patient care

Learn effective strategies to interview and examine patients virtually and navigate the legal, ethical, and procedural matters involved in telemedicine practice.


800 women die daily from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth
of women experience postpartum depression after birth
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higher maternal mortaility rate in the US than any other first world country
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Making a Difference in Your Healthcare Setting

At MindMomBodyRN, we believe that every healthcare provider has the potential to make a significant impact on maternal health. Join us in our mission to provide compassionate, informed, and exceptional care to expectant and new mothers.

Contact us today to learn more about our upcoming training workshops and how you can become a more empowered and knowledgeable maternal health advocate. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of mothers and families.