
Partner Support

We are Stronger Together.

A man holding a baby in his arms practicing gentle parenting.

Dads – Its time to reach out!

Our unique counseling service for partners of pregnant women is specifically designed to equip dads and partners with the tools and understanding necessary to provide unparalleled support during this pivotal time. These sessions delve into effective strategies and techniques to manage stress, both their own and their partner’s, and offer constructive verbal support. Understanding that pregnancy is a journey for both partners, our expert counselors guide participants through recognizing vital signs of emotional and physical needs, ensuring they can respond with empathy and practical assistance. These sessions not only strengthen the bond between partners but also create a supportive, nurturing environment, essential for the well-being of both the mother-to-be and the developing baby. This program is an invaluable resource for any partner seeking to enhance their role in this shared journey of pregnancy.

Support For Your Partner When It Matters Most

Postpartum depression is prevalent and manageable. It’s essential to understand that neither you nor your partner are at fault for these feelings, and many others are going through similar experiences. Numerous couples face this challenge and emerge stronger and more resilient as a result. 

Recovery from postpartum depression is achievable, and supportive partners like you play a crucial role in the healing process. Stay confident in your ability to navigate this—you, your partner, and your family will find your way through. Download our free guide “7 Things You Can Do to Support Your Partner Through Postpartum” for additional resources. 


    What Clients Say

    “I was initially hesitant to join any group, thinking I could manage everything on my own. But after attending my first session with Rachel, I felt an immediate sense of relief. Every session thereafter has provided invaluable insight. I have especially enjoyed hearing the shared experiences of other mothers in our group sessions. The counseling and support received have been a lifeline during challenging times.”


    “Being a new mother brought joy but also feelings of isolation and overwhelm. Speaking with the team at MindMomBodyRN has been a game-changer for me. Not only did I find a community of women who understood exactly what I was going through, but the counseling sessions also provided practical tools and strategies to cope with the everyday stresses of motherhood. I’m so grateful for the friendships and guidance found.”


    “I can’t recommend Rachel enough! After the birth of my second child, I struggled with postpartum depression. Feeling lost and alone, I reached out and found a safe haven. The outpouring of support from fellow moms helped me find my strength again. This group is a testament to the power of collective support and understanding. Thank you to Rachel and the coaches for creating such an amazing container. We are in this together!”


    “The support and counseling I received from this mom group were transformative. Every mother brought a unique perspective, and yet our shared challenges and triumphs united us. I learned so much from the workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions. Having a space to voice my fears, frustrations, and joys without judgment was such a gift. This group truly understands the complexities of motherhood, and I’m so glad I found them.”


    Who is Parenting Support For?

    We are in this together.

    Supporting a partner grappling with postpartum depression can be incredibly demanding.

    Know that there’s hope. Postpartum depression can be managed and overcome. Your role in aiding your partner’s recovery is pivotal, and there are numerous practical measures you can adopt to facilitate this process. From helping around the house to reassuring your partner that they are a good parent, the role you play has an impact on your partner’s and family’s overall well-being. 


    Meeting you every step of the way