
Gentle parenting stands out as a peaceful, evidence-based approach that aims to build a cooperative relationship between parents and children. This method prioritizes empathy, respect, understanding, and the establishment of healthy boundaries, helping children develop self-awareness and socially appropriate self-expression through consistent, compassionate guidance.

A man and woman practicing gentle parenting with their baby.

Possible benefits of gentle parenting include:

Gentle parenting creates an environment where children can understand how their behaviors impact others, how others act, and how they can react. This approach is beneficial for both parents and children as it assists working and growing together. As children grow, they develop an awareness of the impact their behavior has on those around them and learn what outcomes can come from the situations.

Possible benefits of gentle parenting include:

  • Reduced Childhood Anxiety: By creating a supportive environment, gentle parenting can alleviate childhood and social anxieties.
  • Improved Parent – Child Bond: This approach builds strong, empathetic relationships between parents and children.
  • Reduced Childhood Anger: Gentle parenting addresses underlying emotions, reducing anger and promoting emotional understanding.
  • Positive Social Skills: It teaches empathy, respect, and self-regulation, essential for positive social interactions.
  • Can Be Used As a Motivational Tool: Gentle parenting helps children approach challenging situations positively and constructively.

Gentle Parenting Vs. Other Parenting Styles

Parenting styles traditionally fall into four categories: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. Gentle parenting aligns closely with the authoritative style but with notable differences. Unlike authoritative parenting, which may include punishment, gentle parenting avoids it, emphasizing empathy and understanding. It contrasts sharply with authoritarian parenting, which demands strict obedience, and permissive parenting, which lacks firm boundaries. Lastly, it is the antithesis of uninvolved parenting, which is characterized by emotional detachment.

A family practicing gentle parenting while playing on the grass in front of a house.


of parents identify as “gentle parents​
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of parents say they are raising their kids similar to their own upbringing
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of parents say they are choosing a new way to discipline their children
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A couple are gently cradling their newborn baby in front of a window practicing gentle parenting

Is Gentle Parenting Effective?

Studies on gentle parenting indicate that it can be a successful strategy for fostering positive development in children. Research has shown that children raised by gentle parents often exhibit better mental health and fewer behavioral issues compared to those with authoritarian or permissive upbringing. Additionally, there’s evidence linking gentle parenting to enhanced social and emotional growth in children.


Although further research is needed to fully grasp all its benefits, current data points towards the effectiveness of gentle parenting to some extent. By focusing on empathy, respect, and constructive communication, this approach may equip children with vital life skills and nurture robust, affectionate bonds with their parents.

How to Gentle Parent: 9 Tips for Success

Incorporating gentle parenting methods requires a consistent and patient approach. It’s important for parents to maintain their composure, especially in moments of frustration. Safety, whether it’s the child’s or others’, must always be the foremost concern. Families should also be mindful of how their culture and everyday life may affect their gentle parenting practices.


of children develop secure attachments with their parents
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of undivided attention per day is needed for a child to develop a secure healthy attachment
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Below are nine tips for practicing gentle parenting:

  • Stay Calm: Remaining composed in stressful situations is crucial in gentle parenting. By staying calm, a parent has time to think of how to react accordingly and listen attentively to better understand their children’s behavior.

  • Be Consistent: Consistency in respect, understanding, and empathy is key to help the working and growing process to feel more manageable.

  • Prepare for Challenges: Anticipating negative situations helps in managing them effectively. This can help parents remain calm when stressful situations occur if they have already come up with possible solutions.

  • Set Expectations With Others: Open communication with family, friends, and acquaintances is key to successfully embracing a gentle parenting style. Sharing your parenting approach with others not only boosts your confidence in practicing it but also encourages those around your children to adopt similar methods. Explaining your parenting expectations and strategies with others can help alleviate potential stress in various situations.
  • Remain Positive: Maintaining a positive outlook can help you stay motivated to keep practicing gentle parenting techniques. It also leaves room for reflection on how to improve your techniques. This can also be motivation for your children to try again when things don’t work out as expected.

  • Work Together: Gentle parenting particularly emphasizes the significance of maintaining a united family front, where teamwork is an integral part of daily interactions. By working together, both parents and children can engage in collective problem-solving, devising strategies and solutions to various challenges.

  • Be a Positive Model for Kindness: Showing kindness is a crucial aspect of gentle parenting. When parents are empathetic and compassionate, they teach their children how to be in their own relationships.

  • Encourage Any Positive Behaviors: Celebrate your child’s good actions instead of their mistakes. For instance, if they share a toy or help a sibling, praise them for being kind and generous. This kind of positive feedback makes your child feel proud and encourages good behavior.

  • Comment on Their Actions, Not Your Child: Address specific behavior that needs changing, not your child’s character. Instead of calling them lazy for not cleaning their room, suggest, “Let’s clean your room together.” This shows your child that one action doesn’t define who they are, makes them feel listened to, and motivates them to cooperate in finding a solution.
A woman is gently touching a little girl's face practicing gentle parenting.

Is Gentle Parenting Right for My Family?

While gentle parenting offers many advantages, it’s important to determine if it aligns with your family’s needs and values. Therapy and professional guidance can be beneficial in identifying the most suitable parenting approach for your situation.

Final Thoughts/The Bottom Line

Choosing the right parenting style is a journey unique to each family. Gentle parenting, with its emphasis on empathy and positive reinforcement, offers a nurturing path to raising well-rounded children. However, it’s crucial to adapt and tailor its principles to fit your family’s specific needs and dynamics.

Take Care, Mama

Rachel Brown, MindMomBodyRN
Rachel Brown, MindMomBodyRN